Paste special, SUMPRODUCT, and auto-sum

This week we shipped a few features we’ve personally been looking forward to for a while.
The first is paste special, for values, formats, and formulas. You can paste with either the edit menu, context menu, the keyboard shortcuts, or from the command menu. There’s probably more legacy shortcuts worth supporting, so let us know if we missed any. We also plan to expand on the paste special options in the future, but these three felt like the right place to start.
We added support for SUMPRODUCT, a core math function that we skipped in our initial batch of function support.
We also added summary statistics to the sheet footer. Right now, sum, count, and average. More coming.
Finally, we shipped what we’re calling “auto-sum”. I’m not exactly sure what the original name is, but its what happens when you press Alt+= in Excel. It basically sums up the cells you have above your cursor. If there are no cells above, then it will try to sum the cells to the left. It is a handy way to quickly total up a column or row.