Net Worth Calculator for Couples


About this template

You don't really need a complex finance app to track your finances with your spouse. Apps are expensive, security threats, and way too complex. All you need is a simple spreadsheet. You can download this spreadsheet for free and use it or build your own.

All the spreadsheet needs is every asset and liability you have. Assets include checking account, savings account,, brokerage accounts, home equity, etc. Each person will have their own accounts, but you can categorize them with cash, equity, retirement, angel investments, or whatever you want.

Then you just need formulas to automatically add them together and consolidate by category. One additional feature of my net worth calculator is to help you figure out your net worth over time. This way, you can spend some time to fill out how much you have in each account periodically, and it will show you how your net worth as a household trends over time.
